Wednesday, December 09, 2009


I recently had a discussion with my husband, in which he noted (after I had backed his car into our neighbor's car) that my problem (with driving) is that I pay attention to other things besides driving. Well yes, I do. Doesn't everyone? Are you really supposed to think about NOTHING when you're driving (except driving)? Seriously? (this is not a rhetorical question - I would appreciate feedback from anyone and everyone. We may be on the verge of a breakthrough.)


bethy said...

breakthrough this - you're a terrible driver. but we still love you.
and yes, you can think about other things while you're driving, but at least 50% of your attention should be on the road. you usually devote about 19%.

Ashley Erin said...

I think bethy's estimate is generous. I think a more 5% is a more appropriate figure. Don't feel bad. Landon tells me (and everyone at work, and anyone who will listen) that I am an awful driver.

rmreed said...

it would be boring if you never got in wrecks.

MOM THE BOMB said...

yep, I'm definitely not boring, and neither is Fernash.

Bexie Funk said...

i'm with bethy and fernash. i have to devote more like 75% with screaming kids in the background.

Graytoppop said...

MTB is always very focused, but not always on the task at hand.....