Friday, May 15, 2009


Happy birthday to Bethy, the best oldest child EVER! Because she loves to hide from the camera, and because I am in Utah without access to her baby pictures, I will have to share some highlights without photos. (to be added later)

From a very young age she proved she would be a leader. Although she was the youngest in the neighborhood (she was 1, the others were 2 and 3) she was the ring-leader of the kids in our little complex in Orem.

Bethy never lacked for an opinion. When she was only two she would insist that she knew which elevator would open next. At five, when I was teaching her the alphabet and she missed one, she would reply," you can call that an a if you want but I can call it a o if I want." She may not always be right, but she's never unsure.

Along with her leadership, she also had a compassionate side. She rallied the entire neighborhood into a garage sale to raise money for children who were starving in Africa. She raised quite a bit of money and sent it to Africa through our church fund.

Bethy loved friends and had quite the social life in Minnesota. She even tackled her friend, Rachel when she tried to leave before Bethany was ready to have her go.

She also has a sense of humor - after being sent with our luggage in Brazil on a boat that the rest of the family missed, she had to wait for us to arrive on the island by the next boat. Instead of being mad, she used her Cancer voice to make us all laugh - including the audience generated. We also laughed (well, not at the time) when she fell crossing a major thoroughfare in Sao Paulo. Wasn't quite so funny at the time.

No one can deny that Bethy's a hard worker. From helping me throw papers when she was in grade school, building tree houses with Brandon in High School, along with holding down several jobs at once, to completing Med School and residency in the top of her class, she always does the best at whatever she decides to do.

And that includes being a mom! And she has the proof in Mabel and little Annie!

Happy Birthday to a great daughter, wife, mom, sister, and OB!


Ashley Erin said...

Bethany is FUNNY!

Bexie Funk said...

she really is funny, and i totally laughed when she fell in the street. sorry bethy, but happy birthday

bethy said...

yeah, thanks bex - my camera!
i loved that trip. thanks, mommy! can't wait to see you again!

rmreed said...

were lucky that we live down the street from her.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Yep. I wish I did, too!

Graytoppop said...

Hope you had a great day. As i said at your wedding breakfast, you were the perfect first child. Thanx for putting up with all my mistakes.

And MTB, you can live down the street from her. It's up to you.