Sunday, April 12, 2009

Semana Santa - Part 3

While the kids in the U.S. are hunting for Easter eggs, Mexican children are burning effigies of Judas Iscariot. We took the metro back to Iztapalapa to witness this. The entire town turned out to the event, including the local band.
Turns out, Judas was not the only "guest of honor." They also burned three other effigies:

These included an archeologist, who had done the town proud, Santo, the famous wrestler who brought fame to Mexico, and a pastor of one of the prominent churches in town. They were all blown to smithereens. We were in the top row of bleachers, surrounded by quite a few children. Because there was a strong wind, when the fireworks began, it blew sparks and debris in our direction. The children all began to cry and ran for their lives.

And now for the special attraction: La quema de Judas:
(Warning: The following video may be disturbing to children)

And once again, good triumphs over evil (well kind of)

One note: Because of the potential dangers and pollution the fires can produce, the burning of these figures was banned this year. Don't you love how they follow the law here?


Lindsey said...

So, they blow up people they DO like, too? This is confusing. The other guests of honor seemed like positive figures.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Yes, that's what was confusing to me. They don't seem to recognize the dichotomy.