Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dear patients of the clinica movil,

Next time you need cash, please ask. I would be happy to share with you whatever I have. Just don't take my purse - along with my credit cards, cash card, driver's license, temple recommend, ID cards, and blackberry - with important phone numbers and information I can't replace. I had no money to buy groceries because we had to cancel our credit cards and cash card, and spent an entire afternoon getting a Mexican driver's license so I can drive. And that's just the beginning . . .
Thank you,
Dr. Reed


Graytoppop said...

You are NOW a Chilanga, you have been robbed!!!

BRANDON said...

Get a wallet with a chain

Emily Hamilton said...

Sad. You are doing nice things for them and they take your wallet? Bummer. I agree with Brandon, a chain might help. :)

MOM THE BOMB said...

It might, but they jut might take the whole purse. I think I'm going to lock it up.

Bebop said...

I am sorry to hear about you getting robbed.I am impressed with all the good things you are doing down there.

Bebop said...

I am sorry to hear about you getting robbed.I am impressed with all the good things you are doing down there.

Monya said...

I am sooo sorry! I felt angry for you when I read that. That is a total invasion of your privacy!!! Wrong.

Carolee said...

Oooh --that is such a pain and a hassle! So far we've avoided being robbed in Nigeria, but I expect it will happen sometime. Sorry it had to happen to you!