Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Viva Mexico!

While driving home from the airport with our chauffeur last week I noticed green, white and red lights draped over the streets, with huge red bells hanging from them. "This is unusual," I thought, as Mexicans aren't known for their "timeliness." I commented that they were getting the Christmas decorations up pretty early this year, to which Angel laughed. Apparently, the Mexican flag contains the exact same colors as Navidad. They were decorating for Independence Day, which is today, September 16.

At 12 midnight there is a shout, "El Grito" by Mexicans throughout the country to usher in "Dia de la Independencia" and commemorate the famous shout for Independence led by Miguel Hidalgo. Luckily it was raining pretty hard last night and it didn't wake me up.


BRANDON said...

Sounds like fun. Independance day here isn't what it used to be. It used to be a lot more fun.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Well, the Mexicans sure know how to have fun. That´s for sure!

Lindsey said...

Used to be alot more fun? Didn't we just help McKay buy $90 of illegal fireworks? Such high expectations.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Here they mix that with a little (actually alot) of alcohol. That´s when the "fun" begins.