Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Birthday to my favorite son!

The one advantage to being the only boy in a family of five sisters is that you get to be mom's favorite son. And since Ryan now has his own son he is finally over the trauma of Lindsey turning out to be a girl. Here are the top 10 reasons Ryan is my favorite son.

10. He's lots of fun!
He likes hiking, fishing, every sport imaginable, especially surfing! We always have lots of fun when Ryan's there.

9. He lets us call him "Brother."

8. He can handle Ashley . . .

when the rest of us can't. They're quite a team. He stayed with her when she fell of the cliff and broke her leg. He took care of her until the medics arrived, then helped carry her out of the canyon.

7. He's athletic. I enjoyed watching him play baseball, basketball, soccer. He was a great surfer, fisherman, hiker. We ran the St. George Marathon together, and he has completed at least two triathalons.

6. He's organized. Ryan is always organizing some party, outing, or event. When he was in Jr. High I came home from a parent night at school mad because he hadn't advised me about a big project due the next day. His reply was, "I got it done a day early and already turned it in."

5. He's a "people person."
He loves getting people together. He made many trips to St. George to visit grandpa during his last year.

4. Ryan is a true Texan.
He proudly hung the Texas flag from his window at BYU.

3. He was a great missionary!
The people loved him! They even nicknamed him "supisiqui." (ask him what that means)

2. Ryan is an amazing husband and father. . .
and makes the cutest kids!
1. And finally, he's the best son a mom could ever ask for!

Thanks for 30 wonderful years!


Lindsey said...

He is also the king of rope swings. I always did those with him at the guadalupe. and he picked a cool wife.

Funk said...

that's a really cute picture of him and brianna. he's awesome!

Graytoppop said...

Happy Birthday! I certainly agree with everything that has been said...

bethy said...

ha ha i live closest to him!

rmreed said...

Thanks mom for the great memories. my 30th birthday was great. I think you exaggerated a couple of times but that's ok. that is what you do.