Friday, January 16, 2009


Why the "brave," you ask? Because I just returned from seeing a dentist in Mexico City. Of all the things I've done here, this has to be the most scary for me. I don't like to go to the dentist in the first place, but here - well let's just say it's a lot scarier. Actually, the office was very nice, he seemed very competent (actually recommended by another dentist from the US) and the procedure was relatively pain-free. The price for his competence - a mere $8,900.00 (in pesos, of course.) Let's just hope I don't need another crown while I'm here.


Ashley Erin said...

sometimes when i go to the dentist i have nervous breakdowns...but just sometimes.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Well don't come here for your dental work then. They take at least twice as long!

Lindsey said...

I haven't been to the dentist in 4 years. I think the next time I go will be pretty scary, too.

Jennifer said...

4 years?! now i feel like a little kid. my mom makes me go twice a year. :)

Emily Hamilton said...

You are brave! You should ask Dave about his dental experience in Guatemala. I'm glad you survived the experience.

ryanfamily said...

You are really, really brave! I have been going to the same dentist for years -- used to be our home teacher before we even had any kids. I can't wait for Kason to get through dental school. Of course, that is going to take a while. Hopefully, my teeth will hold up until then!!

Graytoppop said...

I hope so, too, or he´ll have his work cut out for him.