Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Languages

I knew moving to Mexico would necessitate learning Spanish, what I didn't know was that I would have to learn "Utahn" as well. I have several friends from Utah who have introduced me to an interesting new language. A few examples:

"kid" - a term used for a friend, usually girlfriend. "Hey kid, have you been to the zocalo?"

"Lordy" - usually used during an "almost" collision in traffic. (Apparently, if you add a y you're not really taking the Lord's name in vain.)

"Well I'll be dipped!" - an expression of exasperation or surprise.

"Fer" - precedes an adjective to form a "complete sentence," such as "fer rude (most common), fer cute, fer gross," etc.

These are only a few. Please feel free to add to the list if you know any Utahns.


Bexie Funk said...

all you have to do is talk to your sister cindy, i'm sure she knows all of them. or spen a day at BYU you'll be amazed at the language there.

rmreed said...

just to remind you, Utahn is your native language.

MOM THE BOMB said...

I'm quite aware. But I don't use it anymore.

The Royal Buffington's said...

How about "Oh my heck"?