Monday, November 02, 2009

Nieto #8 - Graham Rodney Funk

Welcome Graham
son of Carrie and Shawn
little brother of Caroline and Devin
cousin of Mabel, Annie, Leah, Asher, and Violet
8th grandchild of Reed and papa

Caroline is taking her role as big sister quite seriously.

I've never seen anyone so excited about a new sibling than Devin.


Lindsey said...

Welcome, Graham! Violet can't wait to come play with you!

Emily Hamilton said...

What a sweet little guy! Congrats!! What an eventful couple months for you.

browniemom said...

He is adorable! Lucky you to have 8 healthy grandkids. Lizzy wanted to know if his middle name was cracker? I told her I didn't think so.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Nope. Rodney is his middle name. He is named after Shawn's grandpa - Rodney Graham. But I'm sure he'll hear "cracker" a lot.