Friday, September 04, 2009


I think the power company is trying to convince me to move back to the US. Almost every day for the past month or two I have come home to blinking clocks. In the past week I have made two attempts to get some cute little nieto outfits at Zara (local clothing store.) Each time I get to the mall, all of the stores are closed due to power outage. They do, however, have a generator for the parking garage so that you can park, walk into the mall, see that all of the stores are closed, pay 12 pesos, and leave (apparently no grace period.) I'm loving it here.


Bexie Funk said...

i thought you were moving back by may? i'm putting my money on may 2011.

Ashley Erin said...

that's funny, she told me december 2009. he he. you can do daughter shopping at zara too mommy.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Yes, I said Dec/2009 or Jan 2010. This is just promoting the cause.

Graytoppop said...

Probably won't come back to Mexico after Christmas....