Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Party

We had our annual Christmas party for church this friday. The entire ward was involved in the preparations. They really know how to party!

First, one of the missionaries played Christmas carrols on his sax - including Ryan's favorite - "Let it snow."

Next was the Pastorale, or Nativity - Mary and Joseph along with angels , shepherds and plenty of animals.
Here are the animals making their entrance -
and a very pensive pastore (shepherd) . . .
then reyes magos (three kings) huddled with a little oveja (sheep).
The young women performed a Thai Christmas dance . . .
and the kids broke open the biggest piƱata I've ever seen!
We had a blast!

1 comment:

Bebop said...

It looks like you had alot of fun. I hope you have a great Christmas!