Thursday, November 07, 2013

The Battle of the Cougars

Here is how I have fun while DTB is working in Ohio (via Brazil and Mexico)
We went to the showdown of the Houston Cougars vs the BYU Cougars
I was pretty stoked, as I graduated from the U of H and all of my kids graduated from BYU. 
It was no- lose situation.  And either way, the Cougars won!

Ryan decided we had to get a picture in front of the Astrodome.   Lots of memories there - Astros' games, Houston rodeo, 10 K's on Labor Day.  I'm glad we got the picture before they decided to tear it down.

 Ainsley just came along for the ride . . .
and the popcorn.
It was the most exciting football game I've ever watched!  The guy next to us in the stands got a little over-zealous and the kids learned a few words they've never heard before.


Ashley Erin said...

i'm sad i wasn't there.

MOM THE BOMB said...

So are we!