Sunday, May 12, 2013


Asher and Atley invited us to their gymnastics event.

 We missed Atley's "mayfest," but she gave us a demonstration anyway.

 Asher showed great form.  He loves gymnastics!

 Asher with his "team."
 I captured Atley jumping off the wall into the foam blocks.  That girl has no fear.

 Asher LOVED his trophy.  Atley got a trophy at hers, which she called her "Congratulation."
"Congratulations" to both of them!  They did great!

Here is papa with Ainsley after the event.


Bexie Funk said...

that picture of atley is the best! i wish we could come cheer them on!

Ashley Erin said...

i love that picture of atley. she is a riot.