Friday, January 01, 2010


Top ten events from 2009:
10. Organizing the Intercambio de Ropa for Chapultapec Stake
9. Trip to Paris, France with DTB - complete with free Flip Video camera
8. Teaching Institute
7. Mission trip to Xalapa, Vera Cruz
6. Thanksgiving weekend at Bethy's and bargain shopping with Poodle
5. DTB´s "unauthorized" service in the Stake Presidency
4. Weekend in Huatulco with Fernash
3. Experiencing Semana Santa in Mexico City - observing Via Cruz and later watching the quemada de Judas
2. Turning a Pediatric conference into a wonderful family weekend in San Antonio
1. The birth of Asher, Leah, Violet, and Graham!

It´s been a GREAT year. I don´t know if it can get any better.
(pictures will be posted soon)


Lindsey said...

Yep, it has been quite an eventful year, especially for me!

Bexie Funk said...

I'm glad last year is done. I'm VERY excited for this year.