Sunday, June 15, 2008

Gracias, Jefe!

The grocery stores in Mexico City hire men to work in their parking lots for tips helping people park their cars. We call them jefes. I particularly appreciate these guys who: guide me in and out of the parking space, preventing injury to my car and others; escort me to the store under their umbrella when I've forgotten mine on rainy afternoons (typical); and stop all the cars going with the flow of traffic when I'm driving the wrong way and make them let me in - all for the bargain price of 10 pesos (about $1.00), or whatever change I happen to have in my purse. Thanks, Jefes!


Bexie Funk said...

if only they could follow you around everywhere. i"m sure it would prevent future accidents.

TRS said...

Love it!

You probably know this but Jefe means 'Boss Man".

My friends have a cat named Jefe. It suits him so!

source of trival information... Boss Man in whatever they speak in Soweto, South Africa is Bwana.
Awesome to know for nicknaming purposes!

Ashley Erin said...

you are a mess!!!

MOM THE BOMB said...

Yep. Here in Mexico it means "boss" as well. Thanks for the info, trs.
An Ashley, am I a bigger mess than you?