Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I'm Popular!
Well, actually I'm not, but I got to pretend I was for a weekend. It's my daughter that's popular. She teaches high school in Macon, Georgia and the kids LOVE her! There are about 30 students every morning before school just hanging out in her classroom. I went to visit last weekend and I had never felt so popular in a high school setting (or any setting for that matter.) Everywhere we went we heard "Hi Ms. Reed, Hi, Ms. Reed's mom!" It was a great weekend - but not just because I was popular. I had fun with Poodle. Thanks, Poodle!


Ashley Erin said...

Mom, you are always populare to me. If I'm ever as popular as you are, I'll consider my life's mission complete.

MOM THE BOMB said...

Thanks! I don't care about being popular with anyone but my kids. You made my day.

Lindsey said...

Stop sucking up, Ashley. I want to be popular. Why don't I have friends? Maybe I should go back to high school.

MOM THE BOMB said...

I thought you were going to San Diego with friends. What do you call that?