Sunday, April 21, 2013

Easter 2013

I'm a little late, but Easter was great this year.

I woke up with this on my pillow:
 The Katy grandkids had a blast together.
 with an indoor Easter Egg Hunt (because of rain)

 The funnest part, however, was the new tradition that we started.  An ADULT easter egg hunt.  Much more interesting - and fun.  They were even more excited than the kids.  At least they were after I outlined the rules.
Each person was allowed to fine four eggs.  These eggs had a variety of treasures - candy, booby prize (chocolate-covered peanuts that look like rabbit droppings) and various amounts of cash, including a cache treasure of a $100.00 bill.   This is where it got interesting, and everyone was trying to figure out which eggs contained loot.  (I was pretty clever about disguising them)   To add excitement, every time  the bell rang each person had to swap one egg with someone else.  Much more fun than the kid version!

It was great to have some fun family time!  We missed our kids who are not living in Houston.