Monday, September 24, 2007

I convinced my husband to fire my driver last week. I just couldn't stand being carted around all the time. I needed my independence. It only took me one week to have a run-in with "la policia." I got pulled over while looking for a friend's house. I accidently took the wrong street, then turned around and came back out. The problem was that it was a one-way street. Since I was a prime target for "easy money" they decided to pull me over. The conversation was extensive, in mixed english and spanish. I argued that there was no sign for one way. I also argued that I had just pulled in the street to turn around. They insisted that I get out of the car. Luckily, the word NO! is the same in both languages. Then they took my license and told me they had to write me a ticket. I asked where I paid for the ticket and they responded "aqui" - (here) and that it would be $60.00 - and they did say dollars. Again, that common word came in handy NO! WAY! They then told me they had to keep my license. When they wouldn't give it back, I said, "That's it, I'm calling . . ." and that's all it took. They started laughing, gave me my license and told me to have a nice day. Then I asked them to direct me to my friend's house. The shook my hand and waved me on. Am I lucky, stupid or just plain old stubborn? Whatever I am, it worked for me.
Thanks, Lindsey!
Like my new blog? If you do, thank Lindsey. She did a great job!
